Body Contouring

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Noninvasive and minimally invasive body contouring techniques can help improve a silhouette. Dr. Monika Kiripolsky is a dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills who is passionate about partnering with you to make your skin as flawless as possible. Visit our Beverly Hills dermatology office to explore all our body contouring procedures.


Before and After Photos

Body Contouring Procedures

Dr. Monika Kiripolsky is a renowned, board-certified Beverly Hills dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon for body contouring. Dr. Kiripolsky is passionate about partnering with you to make your skin as flawless as possible with different types of body contouring procedures. Dr. Kiripolsky is highly regarded for her expertise in treating stubborn skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, melasma, and other types of skin discoloration, eczema, sun damage, and additional chronic skin diseases.

Tumescent Liposuction

What is Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent Liposuction is a body contouring technique in which we inject a large volume of very dilute lidocaine and epinephrine into subcutaneous fat, causing the targeted tissue to become swollen and firm, or “tumescent.” This body contouring procedure is a less invasive form of the traditional liposuction.

What are some body contouring benefits of tumescent liposuction?

  • Less bleeding and reduced complications
  • Faster recovery time
  • More affordable
  • Use of a smaller cannula will result in almost imperceptible scars and more precise results

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What is Liposculpture
Liposculpture is a surgical body contouring procedure used for body sculpting via liposuction. Instead of just removing fat, this technique is specifically used to shape the body into a desired aesthetic. This body contouring procedure is particularly useful in “stubborn areas” that do not respond to diet and exercise.

What are the body contouring benefits of Liposculpture?

  • Removes fat and move some of the fat to certain areas of the body
  • Tighten up areas that have good skin elasticity
  • Improving contours such as enhancing abdominal muscles or narrowing the waist.
  • Used to move the fat, release it, and remove it with suction. 

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Fat Transfer

What is Fat Transfer
Fat transfer, also sometimes referred to as fat grafting, is the surgical process by which fat is transferred from one area of the body to another. This body contouring technique involves extracting fat by liposuction. The goal is to improve or augment the area where the fat is injected. 

Most common areas for fat transfer:

  • buttocks
  • hips
  • breasts
  • face
  • hands and feet

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What is Kybella?
Kybella is the first FDA-approved, non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring treatment for submental fat, or “double chin.” It is administered as a series of multiple injections spaced over a period of weeks to months to help minimize or eliminate unwanted fat from the neck or chin area.

What are Kybella’s possible side effects?

As with any other body contouring injectables, there is a possibility of some mild side effects. There can be temporary redness and mild tenderness in the injection sites. Mild to moderate swelling is also common and typically lasts for several days. Typically, most patients will need 3-4 body contouring treatments spaced every 6-8 weeks to see optimal results.

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Dr. Kiripolsky answers your questions on RealSelf.