Earlobe Repair

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Earlobe Repair Dr. Monika Kiripolsky Beverly Hills

Earlobe repair (lobuloplasty) is a procedure designed to restore the shape of stretched, torn, or sagging earlobes. Earlobe sagging can be caused by losing collagen and elastin in our ears as we naturally age, genetics, wearing heavy earrings, or purposefully stretching earlobes through gauges. Sagging, torn, or over-stretched earlobes can be bothersome and unsightly for patients who have them.

Dr. Monika Kiripolsky, a board-certified dermatologist with fellowship training in laser and cosmetic surgery, has achieved a reputation for success in performing earlobe repairs.

If your earlobes are damaged due to trauma, stretching, or sagging, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kiripolsky. She achieves marvelous results in various cosmetic procedures and has a special talent for ear-focused repairs. If you have any questions about our services or Dr. Kiripolsky, please do not hesitate to contact our Beverly Hills office at (424) 652-6563.

Before and After Photos

About Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair is a surgical solution designed for individuals who are looking to restore the natural appearance of their earlobes. Whether you have torn, stretched, or saggy earlobes, we are here to help restore your ears to their natural appearance. There are several different techniques involved in the field of earlobe repair. We tailor your repair with the technique that will address your specific needs. Dr. Kiripolsky does both bilateral and unilateral earlobe repairs.

Common Types of Earlobe Repair

  • Simple Repair: This straightforward procedure is designed to fix minor lacerations or tears in the earlobe. The edges of the tear are aligned carefully to restore the natural contour of the earlobe.
  • Candidates: Patients with minor earlobe lacerations, or tears caused by heavy earrings.
  • Wedge Resection: Dr. Kiripolsky will excise a wedge-shaped section from large ear lobes, allowing her to resize the earlobe and construct a natural shape by sewing the edges of the earlobe together.
  • Candidates: Patients with abnormally large earlobes.
  • Piercing Repair: A punch biopsy tool is used to remove a tiny circular section of tissue around the piercing. The edges of the wound are carefully brought together and sutured. This method allows for a clean closure of the piercing leading to your desired earlobe appearance.
  • Candidates: Patients with unwanted earlobe piercings.


Earlobe repair offers patients many benefits, including:

  • Symmetrical appearance: Your repaired earlobe will match its opposite, giving your ears and face a natural, symmetrical appearance.
  • Increased confidence: We can improve the appearance of torn, saggy, pierced, or gauged earlobes, so you can live life with heightened confidence and self-esteem.
  • Natural-looking earlobes: After earlobe repair, you will no longer have bothersome loose tissue hanging from your ears.
  • Comfort in jewelry: Repaired earlobes mean that you can wear earrings with confidence.
  • Minimal Scarring: Our careful technique minimizes tissue damage and scar visibility.
  • Long-lasting results: Your ears will maintain their corrected appearance for years to come.
  • Personalized procedure: We will carefully plan your ear repair procedure to give you the most attractive results possible.

Candidates and Personal Consultation

Any patient with impaired earlobes can receive an earlobe repair procedure. Patients who respond best to the procedure are those who go into their consultation and planning with realistic expectations and are willing to follow the required recovery steps.

When you meet with Dr. Kiripolsky for your consultation, we will obtain the history of your earlobe sagging and/or earlobe damage and discuss your goals and desired results. Dr. Kiripolsky will closely examine your earlobes and determine your treatment options. Finally, you will receive preparation instructions and assistance to schedule your procedure.


Preparation for your earlobe repair will be similar to that of other cosmetic repair procedures. We will advise you to stop smoking and adjust your medications to reduce the risk of complications. We will also recommend that you avoid any activities that could cause further damage to your ears, like wearing heavy earrings.


Earlobe Repair Dr. Monika Kiripolsky Beverly Hills

Your procedure will begin with Dr. Kiripolsky cleansing the treatment area and injecting a local anesthetic. (2) Once your earlobe is numb, Dr. Kiripolsky will make the incisions required to reconstruct the earlobe. For severely ptotic (sagging) or enlarged earlobes, Dr. Kiripolsky may remove some tissue to reduce their size. Finally, Dr. Kiripolsky will suture the earlobe, apply a dressing, and send you off to begin your recovery.

Gauged Earlobe Repair

Gauged earlobe repair is a specific type of lobuloplasty that corrects ptotic earlobes that have been stretched with ear-piercing expanders, also known as gauges. In these procedures, patients’ ears are normally stretched to long, drooping loops with large holes in the middle. If the earlobe is not ptotic, then the hole can be sutured closed with minimal excision required. (3)

If the earlobe is ptotic, then more steps are required to achieve the most effective results.


Earlobe repair procedures do not require much downtime. You will need to keep your ears bandaged for at least 24 hours after the procedure. While we recommend resting for at least a day, you will be able to resume your normal routines almost immediately. It is important to keep your face, ears, and hair clean to prevent infection while your incisions heal. Additionally, you should avoid touching your ears as much as possible. While you will be able to resume your normal routines, it is recommended that any strenuous activities or intense exercise be avoided for at least a week. Patients will need to return to the clinic ~ 10 days post-procedure to remove their sutures and can re-pierce their ears after 6 months.


After an earlobe repair, patients can expect a significant enhancement in both appearance and comfort. The procedure restores a natural and youthful shape to the earlobe, often boosting confidence and allowing for the safe use of earrings again. Thanks to Dr. Kiripolsky’s surgical techniques, scars are typically minimal and fade over time, ensuring a pleasing aesthetic outcome. Most repairs provide long-lasting results, enabling patients to enjoy their rejuvenated earlobes for years to come. Overall, many patients leave the procedure feeling satisfied and rejuvenated, appreciating the improvements and renewed self-assurance.

Cost of Earlobe Repair in Beverly Hills

The total cost of your earlobe repair will depend on the state of your earlobes and what needs to be done to give them an improved, natural appearance. After discussing your goals at your consultation with Dr. Kiripolsky, you will receive a procedure quote. We also offer financing options to help our patients afford their procedures. If you have any questions about our practice, lobuloplasty, payments, prices, or more, please call our Beverly Hills office at (424) 652-6563 or fill out our contact form.


Can I pierce my ears again after my procedure?

Yes, you can pierce your ears again about 6 months after the procedure.

Will I receive general anesthesia for my earlobe repair procedure?

No, general anesthesia is not required for earlobe repair.

Will I lose my piercing hole?

Piercing holes will be lost for almost all patients, but you can re-pierce your ears in the future if you desire to.

Is skin removed during earlobe repair?

This depends on the state of the patient’s earlobes. Sometimes this can be avoided, but more severe earlobe damage may require skin to be removed.

What causes earlobe tearing?

Earlobes can tear due to trauma, frequent use of heavy earrings, or prolonged tension on the earlobe.

Are there scars after earlobe repair?

Any incisions made during the procedure are placed discreetly, minimizing the visibility of scarring.


  1. Sadasivan K, Kochunarayanan A. A Revised Classification and Treatment Algorithm for Acquired Split Earlobe, With a Description of the Composite Technique and its Outcome. Cureus. Published online September 13, 2020. doi:https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.10422
  2. Madhubari Vathulya, Jain V, Jain P. Simple Tips for Ear Lobule Reconstruction-“Lobuloplasty Revisited.” Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2019;71(S2):1096-1098. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-017-1186-2
  3. Scott BL, Anderson Y, Loyo M, Kim MP. Repair of Gauged Earlobes: Case Series and Review of Two Techniques According to Size. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2021;14(3):351-356. doi:https://doi.org/10.4103/jcas.jcas_116_20