Here’s Exactly How to Deal With Flaky, Chapped Lips
“Constantly licking your lips (and by the same token, drooling in your sleep) is also a potential problem. “Not only can enzymes in saliva break down the skin, but lips constantly getting wet and then drying out further breaks down the barrier and leads to chapping,” Dr. Kiripolsky says”
Making a Difference: How Aesthetic Physicians Can Act Locally to Help Others
See Dr. Kiripolsky’s latest article on Modern Aesthetics about how aesthetic physicians can use their skills and expertise to change the lives of people in need.
New! The Doctors invite dermatologist Dr. Monika Kiripolsky to weigh in on two viral beauty trends using basic kitchen items and to determine if they are hack or wack!
Presenting at the 2015 Aesthetic Show – Dr Monika Kiripolsky
Growth Factors: Everything You Need to Know From Essential Skincare to Post-Procedure Protocols
Biopelle presents the innovative features of SCA technology, in what is becoming the fastest growing segment in dispensing: Growth Factors. SCA technology is delivered through the exclusive skincare line, Tensage® Selecting an appropriate skincare product is a critical part of your protocols to enhance and maintain the results you achieve with your various in-office procedures. Tensage SCA Technology (Secretion of Cryptomphalus Aspersa, a type of snail) has been applied successfully by thousands of aesthetic practices around the world to supplement procedures such as microneedling, chemical peels, laser, RF and fractional treatments, in addition to being used as essential daily skincare to help maintain skin health and beauty. In this workshop you will learn about the science of topical growth factors, the various uses of different types of growth factors as well as detailed information about each Tensage product and how to sell these products. You will see live demonstrations of various procedures and how Tensage is incorporated into them to enhance patient outcomes and increase office incomes. Attend this informative workshop and receive a special gift bag with $590 worth of free product and special deals.
Growth Factors: Everything You Need to Know From Essential Skincare to Post-Procedure Protocols
Recently Quoted in New Beauty Magazin
3 Healthy Skin Tricks You’ve Never Heard Of Before (Until Now!)
When you are in the shower, the last order of business should be to wash your face. Beverly Hills, CA, dermatologist Monika Kiripolsky, MD, says that you should always shampoo and conditioner your hair before reaching for your face wash. “Shampoos and conditioners can contain ingredients that cause acne flares,” she says. “Washing your face after you finish with your hair is a simple way to prevent this.”
3 Healthy Skin Tricks You’ve Never Heard Of Before (Until Now!) Interviews Dr. Monika Kiripolsky of Beverly Hills
I met with’s Patrice Grell Yursik over lunch at Sixteen at Trump. We talked about the techniques I use to keep your skin looking youthful & radiant for years to come.
As we get older, our needs change. Our bodies change, sometimes in totally unexpected ways. You don’t lose weight as easily. Your hair becomes more brittle, especially if it turns grey. Your skin loses some of its elasticity and you might STILL get acne even though you’re grown. You notice the changes in your hormonal cycle, things become more dramatic in their effect on you. When I got into my thirties, my skin issues changed. I went from being oily to combination oily – especially in the winter, my skin looks dry and dull. I felt that my usual exfoliation wasn’t doing enough anymore – my skin looked and felt rough, especially on my chin. I knew I needed to step up the game but I wasn’t sure how.
Listen to “Winemaker Wes Hagen & Dermatologist Dr. Monica Kiripolsky” on Spreaker
New laser treatment is spot on!
Are your pores being spotted before you?
According to Dr. Monika Kiripolsky, a noted Beverly Hills Dermatologist and Cosmetic & Laser Surgeon, there is a new device to make them disappear: the Clear + Brilliant Laser. According to the good doctor, this laser successfully decreases pore size and evens out skin texture, discoloration, and shallow scarring.
Your wedding WILL be one of the most special days of your entire life. As such, you want to look your very best by enhancing your natural beauty. Ladies, always remember that your fiancée proposed to you looking exactly like you did at that very moment in time (natural). With that in mind, there are several phenomenal treatments available that will be sure to enhance and optimize your natural beauty just in time for your big day! Just like you are meticulously planning every detail of the wedding day events, you should also be planning the overall timeframe for which you will follow to achieve your “beauty goals” (i.e. clearing up on any facial or body acne, exercising to optimize your physique, having laser treatments to remove your last boyfriend’s name tattooed somewhere on your body, etc). It is important to plan in advance, scheduling these treatments appropriately to allow adequate healing time.
To enhance your skin’s glow, remove unwanted brown/sun spots, and eliminate those pesky “broken capillaries” that tend to cluster on our cheeks and around our noses, I recommend having one or more Intense pulse light (IPL) treatments.IPL uses specific wavelengths of light that selectively targets two main pigments browns (melanin) that manifest as freckles/sun spots and reds (hemoglobin in red blood cells) that shows through your skin as those ugly red branching capillaries. IPL can safely be used to treat the face, neck, chest, back, arms, and legs. Strapless dress? No need to worry about those freckles all over your back and upper chest after a series of IPL treatments. Furthermore, there is absolutely no downtime after and IPL treatment so you can get right back into your daily routine after a treatment. What to expect following an IPL treatment: your sun spots typically appear darker (and lighter ones you may not have noticed also become more noticeable), these spots eventually begin to appear as coffee grinds as they fall off over the course of approximately one to three weeks. For moderate sun-damage we recommend at least two treatments starting at least 2 months before the big day. For brides only requiring one treatment, it’s best to allow at least 2 weeks for healing (for the spots to “crinkle up” and fall off like “coffee grinds” as your skin naturally exfoliates).
To permanently remove unwanted hair on your underarms, bikini area, legs, arms, face, neck, etc. etc., you should consider a series of laser hair removal (LHR) treatments. It’s best to first meet with your doctor to discuss laser hair removal, as the choice of laser that we use depends upon how dark your natural skin color is, as well as the color of the unwanted hair, and occasionally, the coarseness of that hair. I’d recommend that you commence your laser hair removal treatments as soon after that ring is placed on your finger as possible, as you will need multiple treatments, optimally spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. No one can tell you the exact number of treatments you will need, so, the sooner you start, the better. Treatments are relatively painless and have no associated downtime. It’s best if you shave a day before or the day of your LHR treatment, as the laser is actually targeting the stem cells located at the base of the hair shaft, which is about a millimeter under the surface of the skin. If the hair is too long, the energy from the laser will be absorbed by hair before it reaches the stem cells. On the other hand, if you make the mistake of plucking, tweezing, or waxing the hair before a LHR treatment, that “magical” millimeter of hair below the surface of the skin will be absent, so there will be no hair pigment remaining to absorb the laser energy, which heats up and destroys those stem cells (stem cells themselves do not have any pigment/melanin, so they can’t absorb the laser energy without that little bit of hair present). Expect an average of approximately 5 to 10 treatments. Every person is different, some lasers are more powerful than others, some doctors have better training with lasers so they can use more aggressive settings safely, and, different parts of the body respond to LHR treatments quicker than others.
For soft sultry lips, I recommend Juvederm or Restylane injections. These are both composed of hyaluronic acid, a soft, smooth product that naturally enhances lip fullness with minimal swelling. Although you should love your new, fuller lips so much that you will not want to change them, if it makes you sleep better at night to know this, there is an antidote to these fillers (hyaluronidase). So. . . if you are not completely satisfied with your lips once the initial, temporary swelling resolves, it can be broken down and your lips will return to what they looked like before the filler. No more fears of looking unnatural on your big day. I recommend treating your lips at least a month prior to your big day. These products, as well as other fillers, can also be used along your smile lines to soften unwanted wrinkles. We refer to these as your “parentheses”. Again, I recommend treatment at least a month prior to your wedding. Results last approximately 6 months to a year. The “net effect” of this procedure is that – even months later when the filler has been broken down – you are still left with more collagen at injection sites than you had before the procedure, as anytime your cells that make collagen (“fibroblasts”) are stretched, as they are when the filler is injected, they get kicked into becoming more active and producing more collagen.
Contrary to what some people may think, Botox should be high on the list of “must haves” for brides-to-be. Of note, similar products like Dysport and Xeomin work like Botox does to soften the muscles that are causing you to have frown lines between your brows (“the 11’s”), around your eyes (“crow’s feet”), and can even lift the lateral arch of your eyebrows. This provides a beautiful naturally looking brow lift for your big day. Botox/Dysport/Xeomin injections can actually be considered “preventative”, in that people who start softening the muscle movements when they are younger prevent the formation of the permanent wrinkles – from years of repeated muscle contractions associated with facial expressions – that are etched into the resting faces of older people; these lines not only show during active facial expressions, but, also while the person is “at rest” and not making facial expressions. Injections are almost painless, and the effects are seen approximately 3 to 5 days after your visit. Hence, you wake up the next morning looking exactly like you did the morning of the treatment, and no one – including your fiancée – has to know! I recommend treatment at least 2 weeks prior to your wedding to allow maximal effect. Results typically last about 4 months.
Are you worried about underarm sweating causing “sweat rings” on your dress? Or, even worse, excessive sweating + a spray tan + a white dress = nightmare! You no longer have to worry about this, as Botox/Dysport/Xeomin can be injected into your underarms to prevent sweating. Results typically last about 6 months, and, again, take 3 to 5 days to kick in.
All of these treatments will fit within your bridal budget and are a must have for the biggest, most perfect day of a woman’s life!
Dr. Kiripolsky Discusses Skin Care
Do’s & Dont’s With Atlanta Daily World. There are some simple facts and misconceptions that people are unaware of when it comes to taking care of their skin. We chatted with the Obagi Skin Health Institute’s board certified dermatologist, Dr. Monika Kiripolsky for some of the “do’s & don’ts” to keep your skin in a healthy state.
Dark circles, droopy lids and deepening wrinkles, oh MY!
You may feel perky, but if your eyes look droopy, tired and sad, your whole demeanor can appear fatigued, depressed and old—all characteristics that appear on the daily “don’t” list. Unlike other facial imperfections, which can be camouflaged with artful makeup, problem areas around eyes are tougher to hide, says cosmetic and laser surgeon Monika Kiripolsky, MD, a board-certified dermatologist.
Dark circles definitely aren’t a “do” in the quest to maintain youthful-looking eyes. To lighten up those dark areas, you’ve first got to determine the cause. As the skin thins with age, underlying blood vessels may show through, appearing as dark circles. Sometimes the pigment of the skin actually changes color as red blood cells break down, according to Dr. Kiripolsky.
In other cases, those circles are actually dark shadows. As facial skin sags and loses volume, the area above the cheeks (the tear trough) hollows out, causing a shadowed effect. And sometimes dark circles have nothing to do with age—you just have them and probably always did, just like your parents and siblings.
“Hyper-pigmented skin is usually a genetically inherited propensity. I see it with Indian and Middle Eastern patients,” says Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Alexander Rivkin, MD.
“The simplest approach is a heavy-duty concealer,” Dr. Kiripolsky says. “I like the Dermablend product, as it is waterproof and camouflages even severe pigment irregularities.”
But she cautions against buying online, as you may find the color won’t exactly match, making the problem look even worse.
If the dark circles are caused by shadows, injectable fillers in the under-eye hollows can make them disappear. “I’ve had great results with Restylane and Juvéderm, as well as autologous fat from one’s own body,” says Dr. Kiripolsky.
Dr. Rivkin cautions that of all the fillers on the market, only hyaluronic acid fillers, like Restylane or Juvéderm, are suitable for the tear trough area. “They are reversible, which is important because that area is not as predictable as other facial areas, and swelling may occur to various degrees,” he says.
“This is why I always under-correct when filling the area, and then bring the patient back for a touchup a few weeks later.”
Products that contain Vitamin K and/or caffeine can improve the appearance of dark circles, says Dr. Kiripolsky, who recommends Auriderm, made by Biopelle, and Teamine Eye Complex, made by Revision.
Your facial skin and muscles weaken with age—and that includes the skin above and below your eyes. The eyelids stretch, causing the upper lids to droop, while fluid and/or fat begins to fill in the loose space below the eyes, creating bags and puffiness.
Home remedies can be surprisingly effective for under-eye bags.
“Sleeping with your head elevated via pillows, icing the areas with cold compresses in the morning, and using a topical cream that contains an ingredient to constrict the underlying blood vessels, such as caffeine or an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream, all decrease the amount of excess fluid in the under-eye tissue,” says Dr. Kiripolsky.
For those who have a few millimeters of sagging, a laser treatment might offer just the right amount of tightening for the upper and lower eye areas.
“A fractionated carbon dioxide laser is the gold-standard treatment for tightening facial skin, including excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids,” Dr. Kiripolsky says. (But realize that this treatment doesn’t offer the same dramatic results as the more invasive blepharoplasty.)
Botox or Dysport for minimal upper eyelid drooping, which can create a little lift. Injectable fillers come to the rescue for under-eye puffiness.
“Filling in the rim dent below the bulges works really well,” says Jim English, MD, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Little Rock, Ark.
Thinning skin, sun damage and facial expressions all conspire to create lines and wrinkles on our aging faces. These tend to show up first, and most prominently, around the eyes, where the skin is thinnest and most fragile. “Because eyelid skin is the thinnest skin on the face, its constant movement—blinking, expressions or facial animation—produces wrinkling long before [it appears on] other areas of the face,” Dr. English says.
As a brief stroll through any department or drugstore will prove, there’s no shortage of creams that claim to combat wrinkles and lines. Alas, the majority won’t give you the results you’re looking for. “Most are not formulated to adequately penetrate the outermost layer of skin and are thus pretty ineffective,” says Dr. Kiripolsky.
So what does work? Vitamin A (retinol) cream. “Any female dermatologist will tell you that she uses a topical retinoid/retinol every single day, due to its ability to penetrate to the dermis and the efficacy of vitamin A,” says Dr. Kiripolsky. “It’s not an overnight fix, but it will gradually promote regeneration of collagen within the skin.”
Dr. Kiripolsky recommends over-the-counter brands like Retriderm Serum (Biopelle) and TriRetinol (SkinMedica). “They contain a medical-grade vitamin A derivative,” she says. She also likes several prescription-only products, including Differin (Galderma), Retin A Micro (Ortho Dermatologics), and Atralin (Coria).
“A mid-level chemical peel does an excellent job in tightening lower eyelid crinkles,” Dr. English says. And Botox or Dysport is the go-to remedy for crows-feet and other superficial lines caused by facial expressions (squinting, raising eyebrows, frowning). “Most cosmetic surgeons can smooth out these irritating lines while allowing you to maintain a normal, expressive appearance—without that paralyzed look.”
Need an immediate line eraser for an important date or event? Try a cosmetic “filler,” such as SkinMedica Line Refine.
The Impact of Cosmetic Surgery
Join Michelle Phillips and her special guest, board-certified dermatologist, fellowship-trained cosmetic and laser surgeon Dr. Monika Kiripolsky, as they discuss the evolution of cosmetic surgery in this country and how it’s revolutionized how we think and feel about aging.
Dr. Kiripolsky is a leading physician at the world renowned Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills, CA. She has published numerous research articles in respected medical journals for dermatology and cosmetic surgery. Dr. Kiripolsky has co-authored several medical textbook chapters, and is an international speaker at cosmetic, vascular and dermatology surgery conferences. Additionally, she participated in clinical research in various types of skin cancer, lymphomas and carcinomas.
As a dermatologist at the world-renowned Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills, Dr. Monika Kiripolsky knows a thing or two about beauty. Because her business is aesthetics, it’s only natural that she would have taste in spades when it comes to all areas of life. Find out where Dr. Kiripolsky, a telegenic medical expert who has debunked skin care myths and offered healthy advice to both live audiences and television viewers who has also served in a research capacity for OWN Skin Care and currently acts as a contributing editor for the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, loves to shop, play and indulge in beautiful things in the City of Angels.
Board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained cosmetic and laser surgeon Monika Kiripolsky stops by the Splash office to teach us a bit about the ZO Skin Health Daily Skincare Program Kit.